Артерии тыла стопы:

1 — Dorsal digital arteries; 2 — Dorsal digital nerves of foot; 3 — Extensor digitorum longus; Tendon; Extensor digitorum brevis; Tendon; 4 — Dorsal metatarsal arteries; 5 — Dorsal interossei; 6 — Lateral tarsal artery; 7 — Extensor digitorum brevis; 8 — Extensor hallucis brevis; 9 — Deep fibular nerve; Deep peroneal nerve; 10 — Anterior lateral malleolar artery; 11 — Fibular artery; Peroneal artery, perforating branch; 12 — Fibula; 13 — Tibia; 14 — Extensor hallucis longus; 15 — Tibialis anterior; Tendon; 16 — Anterior tibial artery; 17 — Dorsalis pedis artery; Dorsal artery of foot; 18 — Arcuate artery; 19 — Deep plantar artery; 20 — Extensor hallucis longus; Tendon; Extensor hallucis brevis; Tendon;

21 — Deep fibular nerve; Deep peroneal nerve, cutaneous branch

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